ACE: Admissions & Career Enhancement

Your university and degree choice are potentially life-changing decisions. It is far too late to start on your journey of self-discovery when staring at the application portal.

Our ACE programme assists students in exploring their academic and career interests, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future. Learn about your preferred academic/career pathways and embark on projects that can help strengthen your profile.

It is never too early to start - book a free consultation with us today.

Preparing for Future Admissions & Career Success

Part 1: Self-Discovery & Action Plan

Embark on a guided process of self-discovery and personal planning to set yourself up for success. Speak with successful mentors who graduated from top universities and explore all possible career options. Start crafting a stronger and more convincing application profile.

Avoid potential future regret and what-ifs from inadequate planning in your earlier years.

Part 1 of our ACE programme spans 1-2 months, culminating in a personalised plan outlining student-set milestones to take them closer to their target universities and careers.

Part 2: Portfolio Enhancement

Enhance your portfolio by kickstarting a project aligned with your interests and goals. Be it an essay competition, subject olympiad, coding project, or research mentorship with an academic - demonstrate your passion for the field and stay ahead of the curve.

Part 2 of our ACE programme is optional and on an as-required basis. The project is self-paced but we will provide you with all the support you need, including guidance for the project plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The programme is for individuals aged 15 and above who are not planning to apply to the upcoming admissions cycle. Understand which options suit you best and start building a stronger personal profile.

    Students seeking guidance for the upcoming admissions cycle can check out our UK and US pages instead to find out how we can help you rise above your competition.

  • No, it is never too early to start thinking about your future. The last thing that you would want is to regret not taking up a subject or exploring a certain field because you did not consider it in the past.

    However, please note that this programme is not meant to dictate how you should lead your life moving forward. Rather, the key objective of our ACE programme is to help students understand the options that they might have.

    Start considering what appeals to you and hear from the past experiences of accomplished individuals to make a more informed decision.

  • At UniWise, we firmly believe in a personalised approach that focuses on each student’s specific needs and progress. Say goodbye to lazily designed programmes with fixed curriculums - ours has been designed with flexibility in mind.

    Additionally, we have taken careful consideration to avoid delivering the programme in a prescriptive manner. After all, the programme is intended to be a journey of self-discovery where we guide students through what each option might entail.

    We have made these possible by strictly maintaining all sessions as 1-on-1s, allowing our team to tailor guidance to each student’s unique strengths, aspirations, and pace.

    Part 1: Self-Discovery & Action Plan

    Part 1 will span 1-2 months with the main objective of achieving the 3 desired outcomes.

    Sessions will be planned according to each student’s profile and progress.

    Part 2: Portfolio Enhancement

    Part 2 will be entirely driven by each student’s personal needs. We will provide advice on the project plan and recommended check-ins but sessions are flexible and can be set as required by the student.

  • Based on the initial consultation, we will assign you a Strategy Lead best suited to your needs.

    Your Strategy Lead will be your personal programme administrator and the main facilitator. He/She will plan sessions with Specialist Consultants to guide you through your options.

    All members of our team are from Oxbridge, Ivy League, or other top universities and will be able to provide you with insights on what each academic or career path might entail.

    Learn more by visiting Our Team.

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